Friday, March 31, 2006

The day's humor

Ok as usual I was working late last night and I stopped by a user's desk who had a simple question.

This/last week I have deployed about 10 new blackberries in the company upgrading various people's cell phones. Normally this is a simple proceedure especially when cell phone company does the upgrades correctly. Well this was an exception. It seems that when her cell phone was upgraded they forgot to carry forward the "Call display" feature.

So the two of us call up tech support and say "Hey I'm missing the call display can you please add it?" after a little bit of a discussion between the user and tech support it is agreed that it is wanted, far more effort than required really.

Anyway it turns out that the users are allowed to ADD any features that they want but they aren't allowed to remove any features without an authorized representitive!

Someone, ANYONE, please tell me how that makes sense!


Anonymous said...

Because features cost money, so you can make your plan more expensive any time you want, but it's not good business sense to help people give you less money?

Bubbles said...

i still say it sounds more like the kind of policy your office would make than one rogers would make. afterall, we know your company makes no sense at all :P

Anonymous said...

Just a bit of free legal advice. One of the most common ways employees get fired these days is for putting unsubstantiated negative comments about their employers on blogs or in e-mails. You might want to be a bit more careful about that, even if you don't like the job.

Bubbles said...

does it count if you're not identified and neither is the company?

Anonymous said...

Yes -- if the company figures out who you are and that you said it, then you are in breach of your employment contract (duty of fidelity). Besides, you can't argue that no one knows, even if the name wasn't actually said. We all do.

Bubbles said...

you have a pt there.

Phalse Impressions said...

That is why in my post I left everything as an abstract. Besides the real complaint here is against the cell phone company. Of which it should be noted that I do deal with three of them.