Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Well I'm out four more teeth. This puts me down 8 from a full mouth. I'm having a nice time recovery and good food thanks to the parents.


Purple Mangos said...

Why are you out eight teeth? (I'm pretty sure the usual number is four.)

Phalse Impressions said...

When I was in high school I had to have another four pulled because I had more teeth than jaw. They got pulled and braces straightened out the rest.

Purple Mangos said...

Ah. Well, wisdom teeth aren't bad to have taken out. Unless you're like me and anesthetics don't work properly. Even then, there wasn't much recovery time, it's just that the actual taking-out process wasn't as much fun as one might hope.

Phalse Impressions said...

Well my jaw is a little sore right now but if I think about it the pain disappears. I'm finding that nuts are a little too hard to chew on and causes pain. I had some rice pilaf last night and the grains of rice ended up in the hole that is left. That was annoying. Aside from that I'm good :)